Diana Mudde LMSW, ACSW
we have come to our real work,
and when we no longer know which way to go,
we have begun our real journey...."
Wendell Berry
Office Phone: Office Address:
616.796.6635 36 West 8th Street
Suite 250
Holland, MI 49423
Personal struggles. Relationship issues. Parenting. Grief.
Family decisions. Life Transitions. Finding your way.
"Everyone who got to be where they are had to begin where they were." Richard Paul Evans
Life certainly has its share of challenges. Everyone feels overwhelmed and at a loss for how to move forward at times. Especially during stressful times, many people find themselves struggling with feelings of discouragement and worry or struggling with behaviors that feel less than ideal. If you have made your way to this website, you are probably wondering whether counseling may be beneficial for you or your family. Some people find themselves needing just a few sessions to work through a concern, others find themselves benefiting from regular sessions for a time to help better understand themselves or their situations and find new ways of being that feel healthier and more whole.
Counseling has been found to be beneficial in many ways. Most people report feeling better about themselves, better about the way they interact with others, feeling less "stuck", and having more energy to pursue a life direction that feels meaningful to them. People who pursue counseling are not "crazy"; they are people who want to live their life from a place of peace within themselves and in healthy relationships with others. They know that they have only one life and they want to make the most of it. It takes courage to acknowledge pain and struggles, attempt changes, and live with intentionality. It takes courage to be honest about what's not working and work on finding a better way. People do heal, make changes, and grow. Wellness happens. It helps to have support and insight for the journey. It can feel intimidating to take the first step toward something new, but that first step is waiting to be taken. Feel free to contact me by phone or email to discuss your concerns and questions regarding counseling.
"If we don't change the direction we are headed, we will end up where we are going." --Chinese Proverb
"Pain becomes bearable when we are able to trust it won't last forever, not when we pretend that it doesn't exist." --Allan Bozarth-Campbell
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